USCID’s 14th International Conference

Schroeder Law Offices P.C. shareholder Therese Stix will attend the United States Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (“USCID”) 14th international conference. From October 1st through October 4th, 2024, USCID will host a conference on implementing sustainable water management to balance water supply and demand. Shareholder Stix is the President of USCID, a nonprofit committee whose […]

Appraiser and Realtors Due Diligence & Nevada Water Rights

First Centennial Title Company 1450 Ridgeview, Suite 100, Reno, Nevada

Therese Ure Stix, Caitlin Skulan and Jeff Nadeau will present ways that Realtors can address water rights in purchase and sale of properties.


Attorney Schroeder to Present Continuing Education at Spirit Mountain Casino Conference

Spirit Mountain Casino 27100 SW Salmon River Hwy, Grand Ronde, OR, United States

From November 5th through November 7th, Oregon Association of Water Utilities will hold their annual Spirit Mountain Casino Conference in Grande Ronde, Oregon. Shareholder Laura Schroeder will present continuing education on obtaining or expanding easements for water and wastewater infrastructure, maintenance, repair or replacement. Many individuals with water rights are affected by easements, making this […]

Oregon Cattlemen’s Association Annual Convention

From December 5th through the 7th, the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association will hold its’ annual convention in Pendleton, Oregon. Shareholder Laura Schroeder plans to be in attendance, as a member of the association. The mission of the OCA is to promote environmentally, socially, and economically sound cattle industry practices and protect industry communities.