Hopefully you didn’t miss the first annual Nevada Agricultural Fair on July 7 through 10, 2022! Schroeder Law Offices staff didn’t miss it, but if you did, here is a recap:
Thursday, July 7: Youth participants checked in livestock including market and breeder goats, sheep, pigs, cattle, and poultry. Schroeder Law Offices staff assisted with large animal check in and assigning stalls and ear tags. Then, SLO helped with poultry check in by performing health checks on show and market chickens.
Thursday Night kicked off the three-day Mayhemalition Derby with lawn mower races. Youth agriculture participants attended the derby events for free and were recruited to throw water balloons at the drivers!
Friday, July 8: The livestock show began with youth showmanship classes. Youth are judged on how well they show their livestock and general knowledge of the species. Youth could also participate in Hippology and Horse Judging competitions on Friday.
After the livestock shows, SLO staff hosted a wine wall at the Mayhemalition Demolition Derby to raise funds for next year’s Youth awards.
Saturday, July 9: Saturday hosted the busiest show day with market and breeder classes. In market and breeder classes, youth are judged by the quality of the animal they raised for the show. Livestock is judged by its breed standard with awards going to best of breed, best of class, and best of show. SLO staff helped run the poultry show, including market, breeder, and showmanship poultry classes. SLO staff also supported the youth market auction by bidding on market chickens. We even won a couple pens!
Sunday, July 10: The 2022 Fair wrapped up on Sunday with the Horse Show. The Horse Show was open to youth and adults, with participant ages ranging from one-and-a-half years to some individuals enjoying retirement.
The first annual Nevada Agriculture Fair proved to be a busy weekend for SLO staff. However, we had fun, got to connect with some of our clients, and supported local youth agriculture. Keep an eye out for details on next year’s fair at https://www.nvagfair.com/. We will be!