Back by popular demand is Schroeder Law Office’s FREE live webinar series. The 2021 VACCINE series follows the 2020 COVID-19 series. It will span across seven topics of water law.
The first webinar of the series, Contracting Out-of-Boundary Water and Wastewater Services will take place on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 from noon to 1:00 PM, Pacific time. Laura Schroeder and Caitlin Skulan will discuss contracting water and wastewater services outside a municipal or utility service boundary in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho. The discussion will include when out of boundary contracting can occur, the duties owed to those inside and out of boundary, and other terms that should be included in these agreements. Participants will also learn about the pros and cons of out-of-boundary contracts. Attendees must pre-register for this webinar here!
Future VACCINE webinar topics will inlcude:
- Tuesday, June 22nd—What to Do When There Is No Water: Drought Tools Explained;
- Tuesday, July 13th —What Terms to Include in a Well Share Agreement?
Tuesday, August 3rd – How to Take Advantage of a Winter Appropriation Using Storage;
- Tuesday, September 14—Due Diligence for Canal, Pond, and Drainage Maintenance: Wetlands Delineation;
- Tuesday, October 19—How to Change or Remove an Easement (Ditch, Road, Well Share) from Real Estate; and
- Tuesday, November 9—Should or Can You Take Stormwater into Your Existing System?
Afterward, webinars are available here. Schroeder Law Offices gives you “on demand” access to educational content while maintaining social distance! Stay tuned to the Schroeder Law Offices blog for announcements about the upcoming webinars. If you have any problems with registration or viewing, please contact Scott Borison at: