A lot has changed since 1909, when Oregon enacted its Water Code and the water use permit system began. Obtaining a water use permit can be a lengthy and detailed process. If you’re not careful you can limit the flexibility of your water permit through self-imposed conditions without realizing it.
For example, Schroeder Law Offices recently represented a business that stated on its groundwater permit application that it planned to use drip irrigation. The business did not plan to exclusively use drip, but drip was one form of irrigation used for part of its operation. As a result, the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) proposed to impose a condition in the Proposed Final Order (PFO) that the business would be limited exclusively to drip irrigation. This would have significantly reduced the business’s flexibility and the marketability of its property in the future. However, our office was able to successfully remove the proposed condition from the water use permit that was issued.
This example provides an important reminder to very carefully prepare water use permit applications, and closely review OWRD’s initial reviews, proposed orders, and final orders/permits. Otherwise, water users may be subject to unnecessarily restricting permit conditions. Water use professionals, such as attorneys or consultants, can provide assistance to prepare permit applications and review OWRD documentation regarding the applications. Water use application forms are available on OWRD’s website, https://www.oregon.gov/OWRD/pages/index.aspx. For more information about water right processing see: http://www.water-law.com/water-rights-articles/get-an-oregon-water-right/.
Stay tuned to Schroeder Law Offices’ Water Law Blog for more news that may affect you!
This article was drafted with the assistance of Law Clerk Nathan Klinger, a student at Willamette Law School.