Eating in Kabul

Saturday through Thursday constitutes the usual work week in Kabul.  Between Saturday and Tuesday, we work at the Ministry where we have marvelous meals that are cooked for our team there in our own kitchen nestled between the offices and the bathrooms!  During my trainings our chef plated each meal–I should say we had two plates

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Holy Day

Friday is Holy Day in Kabul, Afghanistan so the cooking and cleaning staff at the compound have the day off. We’ll have a brunch at 10 am this morning, but cold meats and cheese later according to the ex pats living here with me. The dining room is adjacent to my living quarters (bedroom with

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Arrived in Kabul

Safi Airlines required me to arrive at the Dubai airport 3 hours before my flight today leaving at noon–time to do additional reading in preparation for my governance and public administration facilitation! The flight from Dubai to Kabul was a little over 2 hours and now I’m another half hour time zone distant from Portland,

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Dubai Creek

The history of Dubai begins in the mid-1800’s with a tribe settling here for fishing and pearls. Later organized as the United Arab Emirates, tribal leaders of the collected provinces worked together to build their future. Desalination plants now provide 97% of the water used in Dubai, a City whose wealth is moving from oil

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48 hours Before Deployment to Afghanistan

Preparing for deployment for a USAID consulting mission to Afghanistan provides a few additional challenges than the usual international work. These included security briefings, determining and purchasing culturally appropriate clothing, and considerations of appropriate teaching methods. The US State Department/USAID contractor that I am working for is IRD:  My introduction toIRD came through Azad Mohammadi,

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Schroeder Law’s Therese Ure Riding in the Reno Rodeo Cattle Drive

This week Therese Ure, the managing attorney in our Reno office, is riding in the Reno Rodeo Cattle Drive. The horseback drive across northern Nevada’s high desert sagebrush country takes five days and covers about a hundred miles. Some folks may get mixed up and refer to the riders on the Reno Rodeo Cattle Drive

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The Greater Sage-Grouse Does Not Warrant Listing Under the Endangered Species Act

The feds are in the process of using the sage grouse to eliminate economic and recreational use of the sagebrush grassland in the same fashion they used the spotted owl to substantially shut down the timber harvest business in the northwest. However, their plans to impose sage hen regulation are more far reaching than what the

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