U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Awards $15 Million to Nevada for Water Projects

On November 8, 2013, the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) regional administrator for the Pacific Southwest, Jared Blumenfeld, announced that $15 million in grants would be provided to Nevada. Grants were awarded to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (“NDEP”) for improvements in drinking water and waste-water treatment.

NDEP was awarded a $6.5 million grant for its Clean Water State Revolving Fund and an $8.5 million grant for its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for water pollution control and drinking water projects.

In the last 24 years, the EPA has provided Nevada with over $320 million in funding for water projects. Historically, the state has used similar loans to reduce arsenic levels in Tonopah, and to reduce the amount of bacteria and chemicals entering Lake Meade by making improvements to the treatment plant in Clark County.

Administrator Blumenfeld stated that investments such as these allow many communities in Nevada to provide for basic needs for clean, safe drinking water.