Technical Secretariat

I presented the recommendations of the Governance training participants to the Technical Secretariat today in Kabul.  Afghan’s Technical Secretariat for the Water Sector is made of the following representatives:

•MEW-Ministry of Energy & Water
•MAIL-Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock
•MRRD-Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation & Development
•NEPA-National Environmental Protection Agency
•MUDA-Ministry of Urban Development Affairs

•AWSSC-Afghanistan Water Supply & Sewerage Corporation

•MoHe-Ministry of Higher Education
•MoPH-Ministry of Public Health
•MoE-Ministry of Education
•MoFA-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•MoM-Ministry of Mines
•KM-Kabul Mayor

The Governance Training Graduates below (with me as their facilitator/ trainer/ teacher) hope that their three pages of single spaced recommendations, following four and a half days of work, will have voice with the Technical Secretariat that has the power to pass regulations and suggest legal amendments to the Water Law to Afghan’s Parliament.

 Governance Training Graduates3-2013