Supreme Court Case Sackett v. EPA Will Decide Which Wetlands Are Federally Protected According to the Clean Water Act

On October 3rd, 2022, the Supreme Court heard the oral argument for the first case of its 2022-2023 term: Sackett v. EPA. The case calls into question the definition of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS), as it will decide the proper test to determine which wetlands are considered WOTUS, and therefore subject to federal regulation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Water Act.

The case originated after Michael and Chantel Sackett purchased an Idaho property near Priest Lake in 2004. After the couple began building a home on the property in 2007, the EPA informed the Sacketts that they must stop construction and apply for a permit since their land contained a wetland that was adjacent to protected waters. Since the wetland is separated from Priest Lake by a road, the Sacketts claimed that their land is not subject to the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction and sued the EPA. What followed is a legal battle that could potentially change which wetlands are considered WOTUS going forward.

The Clean Water Act was passed in 1972 in an effort to protect waters of the United States from pollution. Since then, the extent of protections provided by the Clean Water Act has been extensively questioned and changed. These changes  have been brought about by  Supreme Court rulings, plurality and concurring opinions of Supreme Court justices, and presidential administrations, especially those of Presidents Obama, Trump and Biden. 

The basis of both the Sacketts’ and EPA’s arguments can be found in the two waters tests proposed in the 2006 Supreme Court case Rapanos v. United States. The Sacketts have relied on the plurality opinion written by late Justice Antonin Scalia to support their case, which argued that wetlands should be considered WOTUS if the adjacent channels contained a “permanent” body of water such as a river, lake, or stream. Additionally, Justice Scalia argued that a wetland can only be considered WOTUS if it featured a “continuous surface connection” with a more permanent body of water.

The EPA is relying on retired Justice Anthony Kennedy’s concurring opinion in that same 2006 case. Justice Kennedy argued that wetlands must include a “significant nexus to navigable waters.” According to this definition, a wetland does not necessarily have to be continuously connected to navigable waters in order to be protected. Instead, the wetland must have a significant effect on the “chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.”

In response to  Sackett v. EPA, many agricultural groups have shared their experiences of uncertainty and hardship brought on by the shifting definition of WOTUS over the years. The Family Farm Alliance, along with other agricultural groups, including the USA Rice and National Association of Wheat Growers and the National Corn Growers Association, submitted an amicus (“friend of the court”) brief earlier this year to voice its perspective on the matter. The brief highlights the problems farmers and ranchers have faced due to the lack of clarity regarding the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction, which has created confusion over whether waters on their property are subject to EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulation.

During the October 3rd oral argument hearing for Sackett v. EPA, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson questioned the Sacketts’ legal counsel on the  difference between “abutting and neighboring wetlands” if the goal of the Clean Water Act is to protect the nations’ waters “chemical, physical, and biological integrity.” Justice Neil Gorsuch commented on the lack of clarity in the Clean Water Act’s definition of “adjacent,” which Justice Sonia Sotomayor pointed out made some of her colleagues critical of whether the term was “precise enough.” Justice Sotomayor went on to question whether there might be “another test that could be more precise and less open-ended” than the adjacency and significant nexus tests to determine which wetlands are protected. Sackett V. EPA, 21-454 U.S. (2022)  

As of now, Sackett v. EPA is pending adjudication before the Supreme Court. Considering the scope of the case, many expect the upcoming decision to have a significant impact on both environmental interests and the agricultural industry.

To learn more about wetlands and Clean Water Act jurisdiction, check out Schroeder Law Offices’ webinar on Wetlands: Due Diligence for Ditches, Drains and Ponds.