COVID-19 Webinar Series: Easements: Acquire, Maintain and Protect Water Access Including Well Share, Ditches, and Pipelines

Protect water access

In the final COVID-19 webinar, Laura Schroeder, Therese Ure, and Sarah Liljefelt discuss various types of easements and how to protect water access. The webinar airs on June 17, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. You can view the webinar here!

First, learn the different types of easements, how they are created, and when they might apply. Secondly, the panelists discuss the interpretation of easements and how the interpretation can evolve over time. Further, the presentation outlines common easement issues specifically related to water and protecting water access. Generally, topics will include:

  • Basics of property law
    • Estates, deeds, and the “bundle of sticks”
  • Types of Easements
    • Express, implied, prescriptive, and “irrevocable licenses”
    • The specific attributes of each kind of easement
    • How you can protect water access to points of diversion, ditches, and pipelines
  • Utility easements
  • Well sharing agreements

Afterwards, we post our webinars in the COVID-19 Series here, giving you “on demand” access to Schroeder Law Office’s educational events under the “social distancing” orders! This is the final webinar in our COVID-19 series, so stay tuned to our blog for announcements for information about our next events. If you have any issues with viewing the webinars, please contact Scott Borison at: