OWRD Legislative Concepts

The Oregon Water Resources Commission (“OWRC”) had its monthly conference call on Monday. In attendance were a majority of the OWRC members including: Ray Williams, Jay Rasmussen, Susie L. Smith, Dan Thorndike and Charles Barlow. Oregon Water Resources Department (“OWRD”) Director, Phil Ward, and a handful of his staff members were in attendance. Those attending the call at the OWRD offices in Salem included Kimberley Priestley (WaterWatch), Anita Winkler (Oregon Water Resources Congress), Katie Fast (Oregon Farm Bureau Federation) and Amanda Rich (Special Districts Association of Oregon).

The agenda covered legislative concepts that OWRD will be developing during the 2009 and 2011 sessions. I will post short summaries on each concept over the course of the next week. Today I’m going to talk about the first topic that OWRC addressed: instream leasing.

Currently instream leasing is not an option for a holder of a water right claim involved in an adjudication. A final decree must be issued before instream leases can occur. OWRD would like to open instream leasing to claims in an adjudication as soon as a final order is issued so water right holders can lease water and show beneficial use during seasons when the user does not need the water.

There wasn’t significant discussion on this topic. Tomorrow I’ll be talking about statewide mitigation banks.