Oregon Water Funding Legislation

The 2013 Oregon Legislature session will begin Monday, February 4. Of over 1200 bills introduced, several expressly or implicitly relate to water use and water management. In particular the Oregon Water Resources Department (“Department”) has introduced several bills related to water management and water use fees.

SB 217, introduced by the Department, proposes a water management fee of $100 for all water rights of record.  The water management fee is proposed to apply to primary, supplement, secondary use, storage, municipal, district and federally held water rights. The water management fee will be capped at $1,000 per water right holder. In-stream water rights and domestic exempt water uses are not proposed to be subject to the fee. To read the full text of the bill as introduced please use the following link.


The current rate schedule used by the Department is set to sunset in 2013. SB 2259, introduced by the Department, proposes to extend and adjust the fee schedule. To read the full text of the bill as introduced please use the following link.


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