Next Generation Farmers Need Our Help

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New studies have shown that a large number of older farmers are concerned with their ability to find a successor who is able to afford to buy their land, thus putting their plans for retirement at risk. Currently, the average age of the American farmer is 58 years old. Only less than 6% of American farmers are 35 years old or younger. With the vast majority of farmers nearing the average American retirement age, it is not surprising that over 60% of farmland is ready to be passed onto the next generation of farmers.

The problem is that the younger generation of farmers is losing the battle of being able to afford the land. According to a recent study by American Farmland Trust (”AFT”), land values are set too high for prospective landowners. This puts the land at risk while the banks, equity firms, and larger corporate farms take advantage of these opportunities to snatch up the land that the younger farmers cannot afford. A recent report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) has shown that 2 of the biggest hurdles faced by the next generation of farmers are accessing credit for, and finding affordable farmland. Being bought out by larger corporations, or even just the threat of the possibility, along with stress of qualifying for a loan and finding affordable land, has led to a large number of younger farmers leaving the farming industry.

How Can You Help?

So, how do we help? The USDA and the AFT are working on programs to assist beginning farmers and ranchers enter the field and help pay farmers for the development rights to their land. But there are ways we all can help. Some examples include: buying direct, purchasing produce from farmers’ markets, or joining community supported agriculture programs.  For more information, please see