March 11-17 is National Groundwater Awareness Week

Groundwater is one of the world’s most essential natural resources! According to the United States Geological Survey department (“USGS”) groundwater makes up approximately 1/3 of the public drinking water supply delivered though our county and municipal systems. For rural populations not connected to county or city delivery systems, groundwater makes up about 90% of their drinking water. USGS also reports that groundwater provides over 50 billion gallons per day for agricultural use in the United States. Groundwater pumping has been steadily increasing. In some basins groundwater is being extracted at a faster rate than the basin can recharge. As we are seeing in many states, this excessive pumping can lead to wells drying up, water level decline in hydraulically connected streams and lakes, reduction in water quality, increased costs associated with pumping, and subsidence issues crossed by the loss of water supporting our ground and soils.

The National Groundwater Association (“NGWA”) encourages everyone to participate in National Groundwater Awareness Week. According to NGWA, this year’s theme is “Test. Tend. Treat” to encourage a more holistic approach to groundwater conservation. NGWA is encouraging others to share their stories during this week on social media using the hashtag #GWAW2018. If you are looking for other ways to get involved and promote ground water awareness, the USGS and other water organization have provided some ideas ( During 2018 National Groundwater Awareness Week, let’s evaluate our own water use and identify ways we can help protect this valuable resource!