Employee Spotlight: Echo Zhang

Echo Zhang is a summer law clerk at Schroeder Law Offices. As a new addition to the office, she is eager to learn everything about water law and gain the necessary skills as a practicing attorney. A few questions we asked Echo:

What brought you to Schroeder Law Offices, and what’s your experience?

I’m currently a rising 3L student at the University of Washington. Before joining Schroeder Law Offices, I had law clerk experiences at Chinese law firms specializing in commercial dispute resolution. On the other hand, I developed an interest in general environmental law and water law. Pursuing my interests, I joined the Washington Journal of Social & Environmental Justice and now serve as the Executive Managing Editor.

I first learned of Schroeder Law Offices when I browsed through its website. I was fascinated by the passion for water law shown there. I went through the educational water rights videos on the website and decided that I wanted to learn more about water law. After coming to work here, I found that everyone is excellent, and I’m eager to learn more from everyone!

What is your go-to productivity trick?

Caffeine in the morning, and music at night.

Favorite recipe?

I love cooking slow-cooked recipes, especially braised beef brisket with tomatoes.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night owl. Although fresh air in the morning is great, I love the feeling of freedom at night!

Where can I find you on the weekend?

At home cooking or going to Gas Works Park with my friends to get some fresh air and admire the Seattle skyline.

Coffee or tea?


Describe your job in three words:

Fun, challenging, and supportive.

What is working at Schroeder Law Office like?

Everyone is supportive and willing to teach me new things. I’m happy to explore water law with my colleagues.